Monday, October 15, 2012


1.      Define matching and state various types of planning
2.      Give an application for approximate matching
3.      What is Forward reasoning—2
4.      Distinguish between Forward Vs Backward Reasoning---3
5.      what is Logic programming
6.      explain control knowledge
7.      differentiate procedural vs. declarative knowledge—2
8.      explain bi-directional search
1.      Explain different techniques of matching
2.      differentiate procedural vs. declarative knowledge
3.      discuss the factors influencing the selection of Backward versus forwarded claiming rule-based inferencing
4.      Describe PROLOG as logic programming language

1.      Explain closed world assumption
2.      What are the merits of closed world assumption
3.      What is meant by abduction
4.      Write the components of justification used in justification-based TMS
5.      What is default logic?
1.      Explain reasoning process with uncertainty---2
2.      Explain Truth Maintenance Systems
3.      Explain justification based truth maintenance systems---2
4.      Write short notes on Assumption-Based Truth Maintenance System
Consider the problem of finding clothes to wear in the morning. To solve this problem, it’s necessary to use knowledge such as:
-        Wear jeans unless either they are dirty or you have a job interview today
-        Wear a sweater if it’s cold
-        It’s usually cold in the winter
-        Wear sandals if it’s warm
-        It’s usually warm in the summer
a)      Build a JTMS-style database of the necessary facts to solve this problem
b)     Show how the problem can be solved and how the solution changes as the relevant facts change
1.      State Baye’s theorem---4
2.      Define Non-monotonic Reasoning—2
3.      Give the notations of Non-monotonic Reasoning
1.      Discuss the different key issues with respect to non-monotonic reasoning system---3
2.      Explain rule based system with certainty factors
3.      Write a short notes on Dempster-Shafer theory of mathematical evidence
4.      Explain about rule based systems
1.      What is Goal Stack Planning
2.      What is non-linear planning
3.      Define Planning?
4.      What is frame Problem?
5.      What is Hierarchical Planning?
1.      What is planning? Enumerate various solution strategies of planning---2
2.      What is frame problem? How does STRIPS handle the frame problem?
3.      What is planning?---2
4.      Enumerate various solution strategies of planning---2
5.      What are the components in planning system? Explain---3
6.      Explain nonlinear planning
7.      Describe the differences and similarities between problem solving and planning
8.      Explain goal stack planning for blocks world problem—3
9.      What is the frame problem? Illustrate the strategy using the world of a house hold robot
10.   Discuss the limitations of Goal stack planning and show how non-linear planning overcomes these limitations
1.      Explain in detail about non-linear planning and hierarchical planning
2.      Write about various planning techniques
1.      What is syntactic analysis?
2.      Give two examples of semantic ambiguity
3.      What is ATN?---2
4.      What is RTN?
5.      Explain pragmatic processing with an example
6.      What is natural language processing
7.      What are the five steps in Natural Language Processing
8.      What is case grammar
1.      What is top-down parsing and how it contrasts with bottom-up parsing?
2.      Write a possible bottom-up parsing of the sentence “The sun rises in the East”
3.      Discuss about Natural Deduction
4.      What is natural language understanding? Explain the semantic analysis phase
5.      What is ATN? Explain---3
6.      What are the components of natural language understanding process
7.      Explain case grammars approach
8.      What are semantic grammars? Discuss it with an example of user interface for an operating system
9.      Explain semantic analysis phase done through case grammars in Natural Language understanding
10.   Discuss the steps in Natural Language Processing. Explain ATN by parsing the following sentence after assuming appropriate grammar: the short file is created---2
11.   Write production rule necessary to check the syntax of an English noun. The grammar shall include both proper and common nouns.
12.   Write about case grammars. Give sample cases for the following:
i.                 John opened the door
ii.               Mary ate ice-cream with a spoon

1.      What are deep cases, case grammars and semantic grammars? Discuss with an example of user interface for an operating system
1.      What is Expert system shell?---6
1.      What are the characteristics of expert systems?
2.      Discuss rule based expert systems
3.      What is the role of explanation in an expert system? Explain---2
4.      What is an expert system shell? Give the architecture of expert system. Explain each of the components of the system. What are its shortcomings
5.      Give a complete description over expert system
6.      Discuss the essential features of an expert system of medical diagnosis

1.      Describe in detail, the prominent characteristics of Expert systems. Illustrate your answer with two most used expert systems, describing their features in detail---2           (7M  &  14M)
1.      What are the good properties of knowledge representation techniques? Pg:109
2.      What is frame problem and how is it solved?
1.      distinguish between inferential and procedural knowledge
2.      Explain issues in knowledge representation
3.      What are the four properties describe in any knowledge representation? Explain them in brief

1.      Describe min-max and alpha-beta procedure by an example. Which searching technique is efficient than the other? How?

    ANITS CSE(09-13)!!!!